The second KickStarter campaign will allow you to discover new crews that will compete with the historical participants of the first campaign.
Let's start with the star crew of this campaign: the Americans

They are led by the famous Dr. Alexander Cook, a character known for his boldness and skill.

It is a real ideological war that opens on this second edition and that will allow a Soviet crew to participate in a race on American soil.

Its leader is a man of experience since it is the famous Boris Afanaslevitch Obroutchev

Another nation expert in mechanical sports wishes to participate in the race, it is the Germans.

Led by Baron Wilhem Von Dörfpeld, it will use its long organizational experience to restore courage and honor to its country hard hit by the Great War.

Another unexpected crew has just joined the participants, it is the Chinese crew which will have the advantage of the ground on the Asian race.

Multi-talented Li Jiaxiang leads his crew to restore the prestige of the Middle Kingdom.

A fifth all-female crew has been announced, following the example of the suffragettes, but this remains an assumption...